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NDS Nutrition

NDS® Probiotic Sib-X®

NDS® Probiotic Sib-X®

Regular price £35.50 GBP
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100 gr.



NDS® Probiotic Sib-X® 

Overgrowth of unwanted intestinal flora in the small intestine, often with pain, tightening, cramps and sickness, possible greasy/ yellowish excretion.

In terms of nutrition, lacking, for example B12, iron, zinc (despite reasonable intake). Tiredness, weight loss, headache, joint stiffness, skin problems.

Formation of air, bloating, burping, passing of wind either round the clock or starting approximately one hour after mealtimes, improves after around 10 hours, or is better in the morning. Brain fog and mood problems.

Change in defecation patterns, loose stools/diarrhoea or sluggish defecation/constipation or both. Numerous intolerances for food and the environment that can change from day to day. A typical pattern for this is that if something is ingested for several days in a row, a reaction is developed, thus, the rotation of both food and supplements is required.

Daily dose: 1 teaspoon in water - leave for 15 minutes and drink.

Ingredients: Rice starch, maltodextin,mineral mix and enzymes. 8 strains of probiotic bacteria: B.longum, L.casei, L.paracasei, B.infantis, L.salivarius, B.lactis XD071, L. rhamnosus XD/011, B,longum M1536, B.breve M/116V, L.rhamnosus GG/019

Bio-Active technology

Store in cool, dry place - do not refrigerate. Keep out of reach of children.

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